Array.sort([compareFunction]) 对Array里面的元素进行升序排序
值,进行正序排序。 这个转为字符串再比较第一个字符的Unicode值,很关键,很多数字的比较,经常就是这样出错的。
[1,2,3].sort(); // ==> [1,2,3] 正确
[9, 80].sort(); // ==> [9, 80] 错误
[9, 80].sort(); // ==> [80, 9] 正确
上面例子中,数组[9, 80]进行sort的时候,先转为为字符串 “9”, “80”, 再比较第一个字符, “9”和”8” 根据这个比较结果进行排序,所以最后80会在9前面,而不是按照它们的数值大小进行排序的。
进行sort的时候,如果compareFunction提供了,会往compareFunction传两个数组的元素(类似compareFunction(a, b)
最后对结果进行升序排序,如果a小于b,则[a, b]; 如果a大于b 则[b, a]
排序,可以在compareFuction里面实现类似:return !(a-b);
sort stable
Browser | Sort is stable | Sort is unstable |
Firefox 8 | all lengths | |
Safari 5.1.1 | all lengths | |
Opera 11.52 | all lengths | |
Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8 | all lengths | |
Internet Explorer 9 | all lengths | |
Android 2.3 Browser | all lengths | |
Chrome 15 .. 17.0.942.0 | length <= 10 | length > 10 |
可以尝试着对compare function在执行的时候,进行一个计数。这样可以知道每次sort,总共执行了多少次compare function。 我这边写了个demo,有兴趣的可以在自己本机的各个浏览器上测试看看。http://www.icondownloader.com/demo/sort-compare-function-call-times.html 这边我贴出我自己Mac OSX Yosemite 10.10.4下的浏览器的运行结果
## chrome 版本 42.0.2311.135 (64-bit)
Array length is: 5 and sort call compare 7 times;
Array length is: 10 and sort call compare 23 times;
Array length is: 11 and sort call compare 22 times;
Array length is: 12 and sort call compare 19 times;
Array length is: 13 and sort call compare 27 times;
Array length is: 14 and sort call compare 25 times;
Array length is: 15 and sort call compare 24 times;
Array length is: 20 and sort call compare 29 times;
Array length is: 50 and sort call compare 80 times;
Array length is: 100 and sort call compare 206 times;
Array length is: 1000 and sort call compare 1996 times;
Array length is: 10000 and sort call compare 20206 times;
## Safari 版本 8.0.7 (10600.7.7)
Array length is: 5 and sort call compare 8 times;
Array length is: 10 and sort call compare 23 times;
Array length is: 11 and sort call compare 28 times;
Array length is: 12 and sort call compare 31 times;
Array length is: 13 and sort call compare 35 times;
Array length is: 14 and sort call compare 40 times;
Array length is: 15 and sort call compare 44 times;
Array length is: 20 and sort call compare 65 times;
Array length is: 50 and sort call compare 232 times;
Array length is: 100 and sort call compare 568 times;
Array length is: 1000 and sort call compare 8996 times;
Array length is: 10000 and sort call compare 123583 times;
## Firefox (Developer Edition) 40.0a2 (2015-05-29)
Array length is: 5 and sort call compare 6 times;
Array length is: 10 and sort call compare 26 times;
Array length is: 11 and sort call compare 24 times;
Array length is: 12 and sort call compare 33 times;
Array length is: 13 and sort call compare 48 times;
Array length is: 14 and sort call compare 48 times;
Array length is: 15 and sort call compare 37 times;
Array length is: 20 and sort call compare 70 times;
Array length is: 50 and sort call compare 245 times;
Array length is: 100 and sort call compare 574 times;
Array length is: 1000 and sort call compare 8600 times;
Array length is: 10000 and sort call compare 114046 times;
从上面的结论2可以知道,在数组长度很长的时候,compareFunction的调用次数是很多的,这个时候,提高compareFunction的效率就很有必要性了。 现在咱们构建一个数组
var arr = \[\],
arrLen = 1000,
i = 0;
function makeWord(){
var word = \[\],
words = \['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'\],
wordsLength = words.length,
arrMinLen = 3,
arrLen = arrMinLen + Math.floor( Math.random()*9 ),
i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < arrLen; i++){
word.push( words\[Math.floor( Math.random()*wordsLength )\] );
return word.join('');
for (i = 0; i < arrLen; i++) {
arr.push( makeWord() );
// 未优化
arr.sort(function(a, b){
return +(a.toLowerCase() > b.toLowerCase()) || +(a.toLowerCase() === b.toLowerCase())-1;
// 优化后
// 用一个临时数组来保存位置和计算后的数值
var mapped = list.map(function(el, i) {
return { index: i, value: el.toLowerCase() };
// 排序这个已经计算后的临时数组
mapped.sort(function(a, b) {
return +(a.value > b.value) || +(a.value === b.value) - 1;
// 根据位置信息 对应映射生成一个排序后的数组
var result = mapped.map(function(el){
return list\[el.index\];
// 不支持map的时候的兼容方法
var tmpArr = \[\],
result = \[\],
i = 0,
len = arr.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
tmpArr\[i\] = {index: i, value: arr\[i\].toLowerCase()};
tmpArr.sort(function(a, b) {
return +(a.value > b.value) || +(a.value === b.value) - 1;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
result\[i\] = arr\[tmpArr\[i\].index\];